Chiama Dove Siamo

The island of Salina stands at the center of the Aeolian archipelago, it is second to Lipari as for extension and population. It is a quiet island that fits with both family and youth tourism, as it combines nightlife and wilderness. Its suggestive landscapes inspired famous director P. Noiret, who chose to set there “Il Postino”, last film by Massimo Troisi

The Island is divided in three villages: Santa Maria Salina, Malfa, Leni. Volcanic mountains are Salina’s distinguishing signs, mount Fossa delle Felci 962 m, and Monte dei Porri 860 mt are the twins mountains, so that ancient Greeks gave the island the name of “Didyme”, in greek twins.

Today’s name comes from the salt works in the hamlet of Lingua, dated Roman  age.

Salina has been included in the Unesco World Heritage sites since 2002. Legambiente, the most widespread environmental organization in Italy, assigned to the island the “5 vele” prize.

Salina is the most fertile among the Aeolian Islands, rich in lush Mediterranean vegetation. Precious grapes are grown, that give a raisin wine, amber-colored and sweet-flavored. Capers are also grown and exported all over the world.

Most popular beaches are Punta Scario, Santa Marina, Rinella, Lingua with its picturesque small lake, and Pollara with its outstanding rocky slopes around it, what remains of an ancient crater.

Mount Fossa delle Felci is home of a beautiful wood of ferns, and is now a natural reserve, reachable through a 2 hours trek. Once on the top, a wonderful view of the archipelago is on the show. Since 2007 Salina has hosted the SalinaDocFest, international festival of narrative documentaries.